Meeting County Attorney Candidate David O. Leavitt

County Meet & Greet Friday March 30, 2018

I had about 10 minutes listen to Mr. Leavitt. He didn’t give me a lot of chance to ask questions, he spoke most of the time. He said that he thinks that as County Attorney he would give the attorneys in the office the authority to do what they need to do. He feels that the current office does not focus enough on the civil side of the law and with his 30 years as a criminal attorney he has good experience to change this.

He wants to advise the County Commissioners personally about the County’s legal issues and be there to advise them as they need.

One delegate asked him why he is running this term and not for last term and he said that his wife was finishing her Doctorate Degree in Pennsylvania and wasn’t in the state at that time.

I asked what needs to change in the current County Attorney’s office and he said thanat they need to broaden their perspective. The past 2 County Attorney’s have come from within the office and that should change.

He emphasized that he has been a trial attorney and knows both sides of the law and has trained attorneys in Europe both sides of the law and would bring that to the office.

I asked about the Attorney Office’s budget and he said they need to learn to do more with less.

I asked what the biggest problem is in Utah County and he said it is the opioid crisis and that all options need to be put on the table when bringing these cases to trial or to get the perpetrator help. He said that the current office is following policy more than thinking about other options.

He closed stating I would be receiving information from him in the mail about his plans to use victim volunteers to assist those who should not be put in the correction system but should receive help.












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